Sunday, May 26, 2013


I was invited to lunch by one of my Erasmus friends - Onyee. She did somehow forget to mention that it was a home-made lunch at her Chinese friends' apartment with another seven guests!
At first, I felt a little bit awkward amongst so many strangers, walking to the other side of town, not knowing who to start a conversation with and what about...
The awkwardness lasted until we arrived to this girl's house, then we saw this in the kitchen.

We are very hungry students.

Lucia was still making more and more of these beautiful, meat-stuffed breads (they didn't let me refer to them as dumplings, because "it's different dough"), she also kindly taught all the volunteers how to make them.

An explanation about stuffing types.
 All eight of us helped where we could.

After boisterously eating at least half of the contents on the table, getting a pepsi induced sugar rush and laughing ourselves to tears the group cleared the table and lunch turned into a crafting group.
Uncannily looking like a bunch of terrorists at work with Pepsi.

Melding thin wires to make puppet faces!

It turned out that most of the students there are studying illustration and comics and working on an online magazine. They invited me to participate the making of puppets for their upcoming stop motion animation. Based on a Chinese play called The Injustice to Dou E, or Snow in Midsummer. About a woman framed for murder by an evil man, who was originally seeking to marry her (logic). After the woman is executed there is heavy snowfall in the midst of a hot summer.

Their magazine and examples of some of their breathtaking work can be found here.
I'm proud to say I've contributed a puppet head to their noble cause before going home to work on some sketches of my own!

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